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Combatives Program

Why Is Self-Defense Important?

Every week we turn on the news and hear another story of rioting, someone being assaulted, attacked, kidnapped or murdered. If you take a closer look, you'll discover that crime statistics are startling.


In 2017, there were over 1.2 million violent crimes nationwide. The FBI reported  810,825 aggravated assaults (that's one aggravated assault every 39 seconds) and an estimated 135,755 rapes.  In fact, every 2.5 minutes a sexual assault is committed somewhere in America.

At Black Hawk Martial Arts, we believe EVERYONE should be prepared for the unexpected and armed with the knowledge and the skills to protect themselves.

What Is Alert360?

Alert 360 is a three-tiered program that teaches practical, principle based hand-to-hand combat training and provides individuals with the skills to protect themselves against common street attacks. Created by a former US Army Special Forces Operator, Alert 360 will also teach you how to become more tactically aware of your surroundings and train your mind to never be a victim.

Each tier focuses on a specific component of self protection and expands upon skills learned in the prior tier(s).  While its not mandatory to attend all three tiers, they must be taken in order.   

In order to be effective, self-defense must be practiced regularly, ingrained in the mind and the muscles.  We offer frequent drop-in opportunities to refresh and fine tune your skills. 
Alert 360 is appropriate for individuals of all backgrounds and experiences.  

What should I expect in each tier?

Tier 1 consists of (4) one hour sessions.  This course focuses on the combatives basics: stances, strikes, kicks and situational awareness.  Individuals will remain on their feet for the duration of the course but have the opportunity to practice on bags as well as on peers (in a controlled manner).  


Tier 2 consists of (4) one hour classes.  This course concentrates on ground fighting defenses.  Students will learn how to fight from the ground, regain control over the attacker and how to get back up to their feet.  Students should be prepared to spend a considerable amount of time on the ground, working with a partner.  


Tier 3 is our weapons defense course and is also comprised of (4) one hour sessions.  During Tier 3, students will learn basic firearm handling as it relates to firearms defense.  They will also learn how to deal with gun and knife attacks.  


Key Principals of Alert360

Alert360 Hand-to-Hand training focuses on the following key principles:

   - Don't become a VICTIM

   - Self-defense becomes hand-to-hand combat after 1 second of   

     initial engagement

   - Keep it simple

   - Don't fight fair, fight to save your life 

   - Be lethal and overlap techniques

   - Keep your attacker off-balance

   - Hitting is never a mistake

This training is for adults only and not designed for children to use as anti-bullying techniques. 

Western Allegheny Community Library was one of the first libraries in the county to host an Alert 360 program for their patrons.
Bishop Canevin High School offered a condensed version of our program to all of their students during their  March "Day Away".


Call Today to Book an Appointment!




5:00 PM to 8:00 PM


9:00 AM  - 12:00 PM





600 Iron City Drive

Pittsburgh, PA 15205

Phone: 412-735-5050 (Mon-Sat, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM)

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